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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in various components of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Accessing Continuing Education Modules in the CINAHL Database

The CINAHL database provides access to free CE modules developed by CINAHL Information Systems. To access these modules, follow these steps: 

  1. Connect to CINAHL via the link on the Mulford Library homepage or click this direct link 
  2. After clicking the link to CINAHL, you may be prompted to enter your UTAD username and password
  3. Once you are in CINAHL, follow these instructions as demonstrated in this brief video tutorial from CINAHL

Finding Continuing Education Tests/Quizzes in Individual Journals

Some individual nursing journals provide tests/quizzes that can be taken for CNE credit after reading designated articles. 

PLEASE NOTEnot all CE content in individual journals is free, even if the library has a subscription to that journal. Most journals require users to send in payment for a fee after taking an individual test/quiz.

  1. Articles in journals that provide CE content are indexed in CINAHL and can be located by filtering search results to CEUs. Most of these CEs require nurses to read the article then take a quiz or test about the content of the article. The instructions for taking these CEs can be found within the full-text of each article.
  2. Perform a keyword search in CINAHL for a topic you are interested in – i.e. congestive heart failure:

  1. After clicking the green Search button, a list of search results will appear on the screen. On the left side of the page, select CEUs under Filter by Type. You can also limit results by Publication Date:  

  1. Click here to see the results from this sample search (after accessing these results, click CEUs on the left side of the page).

Network of the National Library of Medicine - Free CNE Courses

The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) offers free online training courses for CNE credit. 

Here’s a list of the classes eligible for CNE:

  1. PubMed Essentials

  2. Assessing Health Education Materials: Clearing the Way to Easy-to-Read Health Materials  

  3. LGBTQIA+ Health Information & Resources

  4. Health Literacy on Demand

  5. How PubMed Works

  6. Making Sense of Numbers: Communicating Numerical Health Information

  7. Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs: Supporting Patients with Evidence-Based Information

Classes are approved for CNE through the State of Illinois. Ohio accepts Illinois CNEs.