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This LibGuide connects you to library resources and information to increase your skills, confidence, and knowledge in all aspects of nursing research, evidence-based practice, and scholarly communication.

Nursing Exam Preparation Study Guides

The UToledo Libraries provide access to a variety of books to help you study for nursing exams. 

Consult the following information on this page for available book titles and recommended resources:

Need help finding exam prep materials? Ask your Nursing Librarian Jodi Jameson: 

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 419.383.5152
  • In-person: M-F 8:30 am - 5 pm (ask at Mulford Library, 4th Floor Circulation Desk)
  • Schedule an appointment:                                                                                        

NCLEX-RN Study Guides Available from the Mulford Library

Current NCLEX-RN print books are on Mulford Reserve on the 4th floor of Mulford Library behind the Circulation Desk. 

  • To check out an NCLEX-RN book on Reserve, please ask a staff member at the Mulford Library Circulation Desk. 
  • You must have your UToledo ID badge or government-issued ID (such as a driver license) to check out Reserve books. 

Nurse Practitioner Certification Study Guides Available from the Mulford Library

Current NP study guides are on Mulford Reserve on the 4th floor of Mulford Library behind the Circulation Desk. 

  • To check out an NP study guide on Reserve, please ask a staff member at the Mulford Library Circulation Desk. 
  • You must have your UToledo ID badge or government-issued ID (such as a driver license) to check out Reserve books. 

Exam Prep Web Resources


Books on Study Skills, Time Management, and Focus

Some of the following print books are located at the Carlson Library on Main Campus. Click the links below to submit a Request to have books sent to Mulford for pick-up.  

Exam Preparation Materials Available from OhioLINK & Beyond

Looking for more?  As a UToledo student, you have access to hundreds of additional nursing exam preparation books through OhioLINK.  If you still cannot find a specific title that you need via OhioLINK, you may request materials via Interlibrary Loan.  Read on further for more information:  


Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)

Are you a Distance Learner?